Hi, this is where I introduce myself I think.

bob from animal crossing waving

hi, I'm housepen

and I call this website my 'house'. Not for any particular reason, I just think it's funny to call it a house. "House of Housepen", nice alliteration and all.

ohgod, I've made bob a float element and now I have to fill out all this space

(Boring) QnA

Who are you?

I usually go by Benggu online! It's my dogs name hahaha. You don't get to know my real name. It sucks.

Okay, but, like, WHO?

I'm a sixteen year old girl who is into programming but sucks at it. I like retro 3d graphics and colorful styles :) Though my site isn't very colorful at all. Having a personal site's always been a dream of mine, but I previously thought that dream to be unattainable until I could pay for a webserver. Then I discovered sites like Neocities and Nekoweb ^^


Don't Starve, Animal Crossing, Undertale/Deltarune, OneShot, Celeste, Warriors, PJO, TADC(i know), MLP, Adventure Time, Amphibia, etc...

Where you from?

I'm from South Korea!

...there's not a lot to say about that...

What do you like

As stated above, retro 3d art and colors!!! I also like cartoons, whichever country they hail from, and weird indie games with weird styles :P. I also like to browse Nekoweb for 3000000 hours a day

This is boring

I know

I want to go home

I don't know where you live, sorry.